Sunday, April 20, 2008

Original Editorial

With the campaign debates still going strong, is the public fed up and losing interest? I believe so. Even with nearly twenty debates already behind us in this election campaign, many people are speculating that the Democratic debates will go well into the summer. With that said, the American public is getting bored and ready to move onto other things. There is only so much "he said/she said" the public can, and will, listen to. By the time the campaign between the Republican and Democratic candidates roll around, I wonder how much voting population will become involved.

Personally, I don't know how much more I can take. It seems the candidate's fingers that are being pointed at each other are getting more off topic by the day. Just recently, we have witnessed senators bowling and taking shots of liquor in local pubs because one senator said the other was not relatable to the everyday man! Of course they are not like the everyday man! What everyday man do you know who will run for president of the United States, and have the money to support it and all the trappings that go into this process?

With two Democratic candidates seemingly fighting to the bitter end, I wish this party's nominee was already determined so we can focus on the presidential campaign. Then we can start this drawn out process all over again. No wonder we only elect a president every four years. That is all that we can handle.

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